Saturday, December 18, 2010

Guess what! Updates today!


  1. Are you very busy these days mate?

  2. Glad you are back. Can't wait to see what you have for us.

  3. Ronit - actually, I am. The end of the year always means a hell of lot for me to do at work. just when i start to work on updates, something comes up. I'll definitely be able to update more after the 1st of the year.

  4. sure, I can absolutely understand that mate. You update whenever you can, we are all grateful to you for maintaining the blogs despite all the hurdles you come across, so no demands!

  5. Yea. Welcome back Snicks. You had me worried. Glad you are just busy. Hope you have a very happy holidays.

  6. Hey, snicks, plz repeat the popular posts from the last blog here, I am sure all of us want them. The GGW, Naked News, CFNM, CMNM vids. It would be a pleasure to watch them again, coz they are things of beauty that are a joy forever :)
